Saturday, December 31, 2011

and the rest of the last...

Okay, sorry...dinner break!
Addicted to her Love (2006) not great..not really even good. I don't even know why I watched it!
Rory O'Shea Was Here (2004) this on the other hand was really good.
Happy Accidents (2000) and this one...I really really liked. Marisa Tomei just makes me smile.
Morning Glory (2010) This was better than I thought. I am surprised actually that it didn't do better at the movies.  I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Falling Up (2009) how could you not like a movie where these things happen: Snoop Dogg is in the a door man, a man dies playing hand ball in the park....and Annette O'Toole works in a porn video store. Awesome. Oh, and Joseph Cross is pretty adorable too. I found it pretty amusing, a little predictable, but worth watching.
The Myth of the American Sleepover (2011) I will admit, part of the appeal of this for me was that it was filmed in Michigan.  Besides that though...I actually really liked it. Its super tiny and independent, if that's not your thing, you might not want to watch this. If you do...its totally decent.

I may squeeze one more movie in tonight if I can get my Netflix to work!! If I don't come back....Happy New Year everyone!!!

A few more....

I have decided since my plans fell through for tonight, I would update this blog one last time for the year and make a fresh start next year (with maybe a little less expectations on my part...being a student is harder than I thought it would be) My final count this year of movies (with a few that I probably forgot to count) was 175. less than half of what I was hoping for!  Oh well...tomorrow is another day.
Here are the remaining movies I watched this year with just a few words about them...
Footloose (1984) I loved this movie, I still love it. I wouldn't even see the new version because of my love for the original. I might change my mind someday...not so far
Cars 2 (2011) not as bad as I expected it to be...actually kind of cute.
The Smurfs (2011) again, better than I thought it would be.
Fright Night (2011) loved the original, loved this one. David Tennant in leather pants...that is all.
The Muppets (2011) cried like a baby through much of this movie. I have always loved The Muppets. Losing Jim Henson was devastating for me and this movie really paid great tribute to an incredible man and his creations.
The Help (2011) Haters can hate. I enjoyed this.
Hugo (2011) This movie deserves its own post, but I don't have the energy. I can't tell you how much I loved this movie. Its everything that movies should be. I saw it in 3D, which was incredible, not sure how important that was.  Any true movie lover will enjoy this movie. If you don't, I would be seriously surprised. My favorite movie of the year by far.
Ides of March (2011) Interesting...nice to look at. Wasn't as predictable as I expected it to be. Worth watching.
An Inconvenient Truth (2006) had to watch it for a class, I really enjoyed it, not at all as boring as it looked. Scary and entertaining at the same time.  Good stuff.
Win Win (2011) Awesome. Loved it! Paul Giamatti is one of my favorites and this was a great movie.
The Hangover Part II (2011) eh...didn't love it. Not nearly as funny as the original.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) good enough to me that I saw it twice.
New Years Eve (2011) Eh...not good enough to see twice. Maybe I am getting picky about my chick flicks, or at the very least, ones that take place in New York City. This wasn't that good. at all.
Mission Impossible- Ghost Protocol (2011) great fun! Exciting, good story and acting was great. Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner were welcome additions, and I don't care what people say, I like Tom Cruise.
Nothing like the Holidays (2008) Good holiday movie, touching....worth watching.
Ceremony (2010) I barely remember it so it must not have been great. I think I found it mildly entertaining, but not wonderful.
Leap Year (2010) I watched this as a joke. It is NOT the cute Amy Adams movie, its some sex movie that was boring and bizarre. I have no idea why I watched the whole was like a train wreck I just couldn't look away.
Paradise Now (2005) Watched it for a class, it was really good!
Adrift (2009) foreign movie with Vincent Cassel, it was pretty good. I enjoyed it.
Rabbit Hole (2010) heart breaking, raw but very, very good.

Need to take a break, will come back later to do the last few!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

abandoned ship!

Yes, I realize I have not posted since August. Social Statistics took over my life and I didn't have time to watch a movie, let alone write a review.  I hate that I let this blog go, and didn't finish what I started. I would say I am going to try again next year, especially with January right around the corner. But I don't want to have to go back on my word. I will say that I will do my best to check in from time to time, especially when I have watched something special enough to share. I know now that with school, I just don't have time for a movie a day anymore.  That being of my classes next semester is Crime and who knows!
I will leave you with a brief recommendation for the incredible series
Downton Abbey
The first series is available from Instant Netflix, the second series will air on PBS starting in January. I was sucked in within the first 15 minutes of the show, and watched the entire series over a weekend. I loved it so much I really could have just turned around and started the whole thing over again. I hope you will give it a try!  It is my goal to review a few more movies before the year is up....but I wouldn't make any bets on it!