Saturday, December 31, 2011

and the rest of the last...

Okay, sorry...dinner break!
Addicted to her Love (2006) not great..not really even good. I don't even know why I watched it!
Rory O'Shea Was Here (2004) this on the other hand was really good.
Happy Accidents (2000) and this one...I really really liked. Marisa Tomei just makes me smile.
Morning Glory (2010) This was better than I thought. I am surprised actually that it didn't do better at the movies.  I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Falling Up (2009) how could you not like a movie where these things happen: Snoop Dogg is in the a door man, a man dies playing hand ball in the park....and Annette O'Toole works in a porn video store. Awesome. Oh, and Joseph Cross is pretty adorable too. I found it pretty amusing, a little predictable, but worth watching.
The Myth of the American Sleepover (2011) I will admit, part of the appeal of this for me was that it was filmed in Michigan.  Besides that though...I actually really liked it. Its super tiny and independent, if that's not your thing, you might not want to watch this. If you do...its totally decent.

I may squeeze one more movie in tonight if I can get my Netflix to work!! If I don't come back....Happy New Year everyone!!!

A few more....

I have decided since my plans fell through for tonight, I would update this blog one last time for the year and make a fresh start next year (with maybe a little less expectations on my part...being a student is harder than I thought it would be) My final count this year of movies (with a few that I probably forgot to count) was 175. less than half of what I was hoping for!  Oh well...tomorrow is another day.
Here are the remaining movies I watched this year with just a few words about them...
Footloose (1984) I loved this movie, I still love it. I wouldn't even see the new version because of my love for the original. I might change my mind someday...not so far
Cars 2 (2011) not as bad as I expected it to be...actually kind of cute.
The Smurfs (2011) again, better than I thought it would be.
Fright Night (2011) loved the original, loved this one. David Tennant in leather pants...that is all.
The Muppets (2011) cried like a baby through much of this movie. I have always loved The Muppets. Losing Jim Henson was devastating for me and this movie really paid great tribute to an incredible man and his creations.
The Help (2011) Haters can hate. I enjoyed this.
Hugo (2011) This movie deserves its own post, but I don't have the energy. I can't tell you how much I loved this movie. Its everything that movies should be. I saw it in 3D, which was incredible, not sure how important that was.  Any true movie lover will enjoy this movie. If you don't, I would be seriously surprised. My favorite movie of the year by far.
Ides of March (2011) Interesting...nice to look at. Wasn't as predictable as I expected it to be. Worth watching.
An Inconvenient Truth (2006) had to watch it for a class, I really enjoyed it, not at all as boring as it looked. Scary and entertaining at the same time.  Good stuff.
Win Win (2011) Awesome. Loved it! Paul Giamatti is one of my favorites and this was a great movie.
The Hangover Part II (2011) eh...didn't love it. Not nearly as funny as the original.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) good enough to me that I saw it twice.
New Years Eve (2011) Eh...not good enough to see twice. Maybe I am getting picky about my chick flicks, or at the very least, ones that take place in New York City. This wasn't that good. at all.
Mission Impossible- Ghost Protocol (2011) great fun! Exciting, good story and acting was great. Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner were welcome additions, and I don't care what people say, I like Tom Cruise.
Nothing like the Holidays (2008) Good holiday movie, touching....worth watching.
Ceremony (2010) I barely remember it so it must not have been great. I think I found it mildly entertaining, but not wonderful.
Leap Year (2010) I watched this as a joke. It is NOT the cute Amy Adams movie, its some sex movie that was boring and bizarre. I have no idea why I watched the whole was like a train wreck I just couldn't look away.
Paradise Now (2005) Watched it for a class, it was really good!
Adrift (2009) foreign movie with Vincent Cassel, it was pretty good. I enjoyed it.
Rabbit Hole (2010) heart breaking, raw but very, very good.

Need to take a break, will come back later to do the last few!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

abandoned ship!

Yes, I realize I have not posted since August. Social Statistics took over my life and I didn't have time to watch a movie, let alone write a review.  I hate that I let this blog go, and didn't finish what I started. I would say I am going to try again next year, especially with January right around the corner. But I don't want to have to go back on my word. I will say that I will do my best to check in from time to time, especially when I have watched something special enough to share. I know now that with school, I just don't have time for a movie a day anymore.  That being of my classes next semester is Crime and who knows!
I will leave you with a brief recommendation for the incredible series
Downton Abbey
The first series is available from Instant Netflix, the second series will air on PBS starting in January. I was sucked in within the first 15 minutes of the show, and watched the entire series over a weekend. I loved it so much I really could have just turned around and started the whole thing over again. I hope you will give it a try!  It is my goal to review a few more movies before the year is up....but I wouldn't make any bets on it!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Entres Nos (2009)

#149 Wow. That's all I can say. I won't give anything away, because I think the power of this film for me...was what I found after the movie, and it wouldn't have been the same experience had I known about it going in.  This movie was, at times, difficult to watch. However, the underlying feeling of hope and survival made it tolerable. The movie is about a young woman Mariana who is brought to American by her restless husband. After being in the country only two weeks, the husband leaves them alone in NY with nothing.  It was harsh and stressful, but also beautiful and strong. Paola Mendoza who plays Mariana, is incredibly beautiful and I didn't realize until after the film that she also co-wrote and directed it.  The two kids were super talented, and I thought this movie was absolutely fantastic.  I highly recommend it. Best part is...its available for instant streaming on Netflix, so go ahead...give it a shot!
Entres Nos (2009)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last but not least...

The last of the catch up posts!
#147 - Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock very interesting. Just reaffirmed my desire to someday go to Burning Man. I have been thinking about it for a few years now, and realize its probably not my thing, but I can't help myself. I want to go.  I feel like if I don't try it, I am really missing something big!  The documentary was actually really well done and very interesting and I can totally recommend it, even if you have no interest in Burning Man whatsoever!
#148-The Exploding Girl (2009) I loved this so much, its actually my second time viewing it. I realize its not for everyone, so I hesitate to really recommend it in general. Its a very quiet, very small independent film that basically just takes you through a week in the life of Ivy, a girl home from school on what I assume is Spring Break.   I thought this was beautiful. I thought Zoe Kazan (who I have really come to love) was incredible and I will probably watch this again at some point because I really just loved everything about this movie.

I think that about catches me up. I can't think of any others that I have watched that I forgot to blog. I hope to keep up from now on...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And a few more...

I ran out of time last night to finish my post so here are the rest, and lets hope I can be more consistent from now on!
#143 - Company (2007) This is a wonderfully filmed version of a revival of Stephen Sondheim's Company. It is WONDERFUL and its on Instant Netflix, and if you like musicals, you should absolutely watch it.
#144 - Winnie the Pooh (2011) Cute. Chloe didn't make it through the whole thing without getting up and wandering. It was only an hour long thankfully, don't know if I could handle any longer of a movie here. Ian, my 12 year old, seemed to find it far more amusing than my husband thought he should. It was cute. I love Pooh.
#145 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Okay, this one probably deserves its one post but I just don't have time. I will just say this.  I wish that every book that I loved, could be turned into a movie this good. I cried like a baby through a whole lot of it, and I can't wait to see it again.  Awesome.
#146 - Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011) Loved this. I really really loved this.  Not just because Ryan Gosling takes his shirt off more than once, though I admit....that didn't suck.  I just really liked the story. I thought it was well written. The characters were easy to relate to, and it was pretty darn funny too.  Good movie, I recommend it.
I have a few more but have to wait until tomorrow to post them. I feel like I am almost catching up here. Hope I can keep it up!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


I know...this has been pathetic, its been over a month since I have posted, and I always pledge to do better and end up doing worse. Now I am convinced you all think I am just a liar!  I have been watching a TON of movies though and will list them all here now and try to catch up some other time. Start fresh for August maybe?? Okay no particular order...
#135 Larry Crowne (2011) - cute.  Love Tom Hanks...I don't seem to tire of him. Julia Roberts I can sometimes do without but she wasn't bad here. Nice chemistry I thought.
#136 You Again (2010) not as bad as I expected it to be...could be that I love Kristen Bell and well.....Sean Wing was in this for brief glimpses....and it made me miss American Idiot so much. I laughed a few times.
#137 -139 ( counting this as 3 because it was 19 freaking episodes and I watched them all in a 3 day span) My So-Called Life (1994-1995) This was my favorite show for a very long time.  Watching it again so many years later made me come to a sad that I have children I find myself relating more to the parents than I ever did before. Its a whole different show for me. Still love Claire Danes and though Jared Leto as Jordan Catellano was still as beautiful as ever....this time I didn't get it so much...her obsession with him.  Brian Krakow had so much more to offer!
#140 For the Bible Tells Me So (2007) This was actually really very good. A documentary that documents several families that have strong religious beliefs and they each find out that they have a child that is homosexual.  It was heartbreaking and beautiful and inspiring at the same time. I highly recommend this one.
#141 Loving Lampposts (2010) this was just okay for me. It was basically an overview of people's experiences with autism.  I thought it was an awful lot of information and too wide a variety of views with not enough time dedicated to each was alright.
#142 Which Way Home another heartbreaking but excellent documentary about unaccompanied children that try to get into the US. Really made me think...

Monday, July 04, 2011

Kurt and Courtney (1998)

#134 Eh...didn't work for me.  I remember hearing lots of buzz about this movie when it was first out. I remember hearing it was controversial...that Courtney Love was trying to stop it from being shown, etc.  I thought it was interesting in that it really riled people up and the filmmaker was seldom successful in getting what he wanted in the movie...because of that, the contents were weak I thought.  Its clear that there is a lot of controversial theories surrounding the apparent suicide and death of Kurt Cobain.  This movie just doesn't prove anything solid though, except that people seem to be hiding something, maybe even lots of somethings.  The lack of solid information, and even the fact that he wasn't allowed to use Nirvana's music...kind of put a damper on the mood of the movie for me.  Watching him try to get the movie was made was interesting, but not interesting enough for me to really recommend this to everyone.  It was just okay.
Kurt and Courtney (1998)

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Super 8 (2011)

#133. Yep, Super 8 again.  I was so happy when I saw it was playing at our local Drive-In with plan was to sit and enjoy Super 8, then sleep through Transformers once it started.  Someone decided it would be smarter (not sure who that would be, but they are clearly NOT my friend) to put Transformers on first, so Super 8 didn't even start until well after midnight, meaning...we didn't get home until almost 3 that night! I really wanted Ian to see this and he was still resistant even when it first started.  I encouraged him to give it 20 minutes, if he still didn't like it, we would wait until it comes on DVD, and if he did like it, we could still leave and go home to bed, but that I would take him back to a real theater to see it.  After the train crash scene I turned around to him and said, so are you ready to leave then?  He looked at me as if I had two heads "Um...NO...we are staying" so we ended up watching the whole thing there.  He loved it. I loved it again as well, seeing it a second time, I can see how people thought the train scene to be a bit over the top, but I think thats the kind of scene that you really get into when you are a kid. Ian loved that part.  I still loved the characters and actors most of all, but I still loved the nostalgic feel of the movie. I still think this is a can't miss movie for the summer!
Super 8 (2011)

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

I really have no words. This was a fluke for me, I really had no intention of seeing this movie. Though I find Shia LaBeouf totally adorable, at least on screen, this series does not appeal to me.  Way too much banging and clanging of giant vehicle/creatures.  Not my cup of tea.  That being said, the parts with the actual actors, especially the interaction between Shia's character, Sam Witwicky and his parents played hilariously by Kevin Dunn and Julie White, really kept me entertained.  I think that John Turturro is great in this series, and its always nice to see him.  This wasn't as bad as I thought, but I swear it was 7 hours comes in at a VERY long 157 minutes....and it really felt like it was even longer.  I think if it had been at least a half an hour shorter, I would have enjoyed it more. I will say that because some of it was filmed in Detroit, I enjoyed spotting things that looked familiar, so for that it was almost worth the price of the ticket! If you are a fan of the might enjoy it. If you are not...its might feel like torture.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Friday, July 01, 2011

Veronica Mars (TV series 2004-2007))

#130-131: I know, I shouldn't count. But I loved this show more than anything I have seen in a long time and am counting each season as one movie, because seriously? They were long seasons and I spent most of my week off from school work engrossed in this incredibly well written, gone-too-soon TV show.  Unfortunately it has been removed from Netflix instant, however, I have found that you can watch both season 2 and 3 online at the WB website...but you MUST start with Season 1, because...well you just must. Kristen Bell is brilliant here, I fell in love with her within minutes and was sucked in immediately.  The acting is great, its witty dialogue, great storyline and many twists and turns.  Really just an awesome show. Why it didn't last longer, and how I missed it when it was actually on, is totally beyond me.  But should watch it, I am highly recommending it, at least seasons 1 and 2, I haven't finished 3 yet, but I felt it was lacking a bit so far...
 Veronica Mars

Monday, June 27, 2011

Beyond Belief (2007)

#129 This was a very moving and well done documentary. It follows the lives of two widows who lost their husbands on 9/11. They meet and become friends and decide to make a difference in the lives of widows living in Afghanistan.  I found myself in tears more than once, both because of the tragedy that no woman should have to go through, and also because of the strength of these two women.  Their commitment, especially during their own grief, to helping women who have lost their husbands on the other side of the world, was very touching to me.  This was most definitely worth watching. It was especially emotional to me I think because we are nearing the 10 year anniversary of that day that changed everything.  10 years ago around this time I had just gotten back from my first ever trip to NYC, and we had a whole role of film that my husband took when he visited the World Trade Center.  So many memories of that year for me, that I think its going to be hard to watch stuff like this.  However, I absolutely recommend it.
Beyond Belief

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Midnight in Paris (2011)

Yes, you all know by now that I am a big Woody Allen fan.  I usually prefer movies that he actually appears in, but I have admit that lately I don't even miss him so much because they have really been pretty good anyway, even without him.  This was by far my favorite in a very long time.  I was surprised at how much I loved it, because I am not the biggest Owen Wilson fan, in fact I was sort of shocked that he would even be IN a Woody Allen movie, I just don't get the appeal I guess.  He was fantastic in this. This movie was by far one of my favorites of the year. I loved every single thing about it. It made me think, it made me laugh, I couldn't wait to get home and look up some of the artists/writers mentioned in the movie. I can't recommend this one enough....go see it. Its wonderful.  The movie seemed very much a love letter to Paris, and did make me want to jump on a plane (I don't fly...) and go there.  Its a basic plotline, the grass isn't always greener kind of thing, but its such a fun film, of course expecting you to use your imagination just a bit....I can't wait to see it again!
Midnight in Paris

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happythankyoumoreplease (2010)

#127. I really enjoyed this. I remember seeing Josh Radnor (who I love from How I Met Your Mother) on a talk show earlier this year talking about this movie and I wanted to see it right away. Its exactly the kind of movie that I love.  Dysfunctional people, looking for acceptance, love, etc...The movie was basically three short stories being told in an intertwined fashion. It follows Sam (Josh Radnor) as he finds a boy that he thinks has gotten separated from his family on the subway, he takes the kid with him, and ends up keeping him because he doesn't seem to know what else to do.  Sam has a crush on Mississippi (played by the beautiful Kate Mara) and they get involved in an interesting friendship/relationship.  Sams friend Annie (incredibly played by Malin Akerman) is a girl with Alopecia, struggling in her romantic relationships, who is being pursued by the adorably nerdy Sam #2 (Tony Hale).  The third story is a couple that are trying to decide the next step in their relationship (one of my favorites Zoe Kazan and the adorable Pablo Schrieber). I loved this movie, I thought it was heartwarming, and honest and very well written.  I hope to see Josh Radnor do some more writing/directing because this is exactly the kind of movie I love to spend my hour and a half watching!

Friday, June 24, 2011

A few more...

Here are #123, #124, #125 and #126 sorry for the multiple review posting but I thought it might be less sloppy this way!
#123 was Bridesmaids....yes, again. I took my husband for our 17th anniversary date night movie.  This time, though I still enjoyed it, I noticed a few things that I didn't love about it.  I thought the music was lacking for sure. During some of the slower moments especially, some music might have helped. I watch a lot of independent movies that don't have a lot of music during scenes, but this was more of a mainstream chick flick/comedy, I think they need a bit more music to keep the mood a bit lighter.  Also, I think its a movie I need to see with the girls.  My husband laughed, but not like I did. I don't know that he "got" it in the same way that I did.
#124-Mr. Poppers Penguins (2011) I loved this book when I was younger.  That being said, the only thing I saw that this film had in common with the book, was the name Mr. Popper and the penguins!  However, I really enjoyed this movie anyway.  We took the kids to the Drive-In to see it, and both kids actually seemed to really like it. I thought it was a sweet family film, very endearing and I loved, loved LOVED the New York setting of course.  Jim Carrey was actually heartwarming and I thought the penguins were positively adorable! I would definitely recommend this one as a family film, or fans of Jim Carrey....
#125 -X-Men: First Class (2011) I really liked this one.  I guess I am not over comic book/super hero movies after all. Perhaps they just need to be done really well.  This one was done really well. I thought the casting was perfect. I loved James McAvoy as Charles Xavier and Michael Fassbender as Magneto. I especially loved seeing my boyfriend Nicholas Hoult as Beast. He is so adorable, I don't think I will ever get enough of him. The plot was good, the effects were good, and I thought it was a fun summer movie.  Not a bad start to the summer so far!
#126Cedar Rapids (2011) I was so excited to find this available on CinemaNow (we still have some credits with them....I do prefer Amazon on demand for our paid instant streaming stuff) so we watched it the other night. I love Ed Helms so much, and I think he is so under-appreciated.  This was the kind of movie that I really love. It was funny, interesting, well written and surprisingly sweet.  John C. Reilly who I love but has been getting on my nerves lately (NOT a fan of Step Brothers, though my husband subjects me to it whenever he gets a chance) but he was wonderful in this one.  I definitely recommend this one. A good quality comedy.

Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)

#123. We saw this at the Drive-In a few weeks ago and I totally forgot that I didn't write it up!  I really can't say that much about it, because I missed quite a bit with bathroom trips and trying to make it so that Chloe could see from behind me, it was quite a debacle. The movie seemed okay, kind of cute, kind of eh...I liked the first one, this one was just okay.  My son loved it, my daughter seemed to enjoy it, so I guess its good for kids!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kick-Ass (2010)

#122 (I think...I suck at keeping track now) I am pretty sure I was supposed to like this movie. It looked so good to me when I saw the previews and I had every intention of seeing it at the theater when it was out but I never got around to it.  I finally watched it on Netflix a few nights ago, and I was very underimpressed. It could be that I am just over the whole comic book/super hero movie genre. I haven't loved one in awhile (wait...I did, but I haven't written that review yet) but I had high hopes for this one.  I didn't like it. I barely made it through the movie. In fact, I had to watch it over the course of two nights, because I started it a bit late, and then got bored and quit, deciding to suck it up and finish it because my husband watched the whole thing and enjoyed it.  I thought that both Aaron Johnson and Chloe Moretz (who I really adore) did a great job. I just couldn't get into the movie.  I think I am also having a hard time tolerating Nicholas Cage lately.  His character in this did nothing to improve my opinion of him. I thought it was longer than it needed to be, and I enjoyed very little of it.  Just not my thing.
Kick-Ass (2010)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Super 8 (2011)

Movie #121. I clearly need to get to work or I may never really finish catching up.  However, I am thrilled to be managing my school work, Ian's school work, planning another trip to NYC to see some shows AND at least catching up a few movies.  So we tried to take Ian to see Super 8 for a matinee on Monday but he wimped out and decided it might be too scary for him (because he is convinced the ratings systems are there for a reason LOL) so we left him home with Grandma and went anyway. SO glad I did, and now of course, I am all about trying to change his mind because this is exactly the kind of movie I want for him.  I thought it was fantastic.  Did it feel a bit copycat of adventure movies from the 1980's?  You bet.  Did I care? No freaking way. I thought it was perfect.  I thought it was just the right amount of a tribute to movies like that (ET, Goonies, Gremlins, etc...) added to some of the same type genre movies of more recent years (Independence Day, Cloverfield, Jurassic Park) to be the perfect mix for a summer movie. I will not post any spoilers because that would ruin the fun.  I will say that the kids were all fantastic. Elle Fanning is just beautiful and did a perfect job, and the main character Joe, who was played by the incredible Joel Courtney had my heart the entire time. (just looking at IMDB it appears this is his first film?? I can't believe that!) I can't tell you how many times in the movie that I thought I might hear my favorite "Goonies never say die". I loved it from beginning to end. I was on the edge of my seat, I jumped with fear a few times, I laughed, and shamefully shed a few tears too (I am a sap...)I will absolutely be seeing this one again.  JJ Abrams is a rock star! My favorite part....the fact that I didn't feel like they were selling me on a sequel.  This movie actually ended without giving me that typical, 1st in a series vibe. It started, it was fun, and then it ended without feeling like a franchise.  I was very grateful for that. I hate feeling like movies are part marketing scheme.  Perfect way to start my summer movie viewing!

Burzysnki (2011)

#120. Okay, so I am supposed to be doing my homework this morning, when I decided to check my email in-box first.  I have a message in there from one of my cancer group Moms, who forwarded a link to this documentary that can be watched in its entirety for free until June 20.  I click the link, thinking I would watch for a few minutes and file it away on my "to-be-watched-someday-in-the-future-when-it-hits-netflix-streaming" list.  That didn't work out so well. I was immediately sucked in, and I couldn't stop watching.  This film is disturbing on so many levels.  This did not change my views about the FDA and my opinions about the pharmaceutical industry having far too much fact, it reinforced my views.  This movie is about a Doctor who discovered a valid treatment for certain types of cancer.  This treatment IS being used in some clinical trials and the success rate seems to be very good. The fight this man has had to try to get this treatment to patients in the US is a crime and just disgusting to me.  Please take the time to watch this movie. It can also be purchased at Whole Foods stores across the country.  I think we need to know what kinds of things are happening in this country as far as the FDA is concerned. We need to become more proactive in this fight that is really out there.  I used to get angry about stuff like this, but now that I have been in the trenches with Chloe....I feel the need to speak my mind about it.  To share when something this powerful comes along that I think everyone needs to watch.  It is free to watch until June 20, so take a few moments and check it out, then please share if you feel so moved to tell people.  You won't be sorry.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Broken Flowers (2005)

I think this is #119? I need to keep better track I think, if I am ever going to finish this thing.  Okay, so I have had this in my queue for quite some time, but decided I was in the Bill Murray mood and figured it was time. I have never been a huge Jim Jarmusch fan, in fact I don't even know if I have ever made it through an entire film of his.  I might have finished Ghost Dog, and thought it was decent.  My expectations were low with this one.  I was pleasantly surprised. I can't say I would recommend this to everyone, but I can say that I was happy I watched it.  I have grown pretty fond of Bill Murray, I think he is under-appreciated, and I think he is bordering on a comic genius. This is not a comedy by any means, though it had some amusing moments. Its the story of a guy who clearly can't get it right with his girlfriend and he is sent on a quest to find the mother of what might be his son.  Its painfully quiet at times, but I thought it was a very honest performance and I really enjoyed this movie. I thought the women in the supporting roles, the women from his past all did fantastic jobs, so many great actresses: Francis Conroy, Sharon Stone, Jessica Lange...all fantastic performances as well. I think this is worth watching.
Broken Flowers

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Bridesmaids (2011)

If my calculations are correct, this will be movie number 117 and 118 for me this year. I am a bit behind for sure, I can make this up though...hopefully I get to do another movie marathon this year...that should help. Bridesmaids. I freaking LOVED this movie.  Clearly I must have loved it, I watched it twice in a 10 day period, and would love to watch it again.  I went the first time with my friend Nancy and though I enjoyed it and thought it was gut splitting hysterical....the experience was a bit tainted by the presence of a young child a row below us.  Now I am not a censoring kind of Mom.  My kids hear curse words for sure, because I admit to have a bit of a potty mouth, and I am not even ashamed of that.  However, I don't want to watch movies with blatant sex scenes with my 12 year old son!  Its not that I really care if he sees it....just don't really want to be there at this time. My issue I guess.  This movie was rated "R"...there was a opening sex scene (albeit a funny one) and more than one vulgar sexual reference...would those fly over Ian's head? Probably...and they may have flown over this girls head as well...but she didn't look more than 11 or 12, and it made ME uncomforable having her there.  My second viewing was with my girls Steph and Jo, and this time was a lot more fun. (No offense Nancy...totally wasn't your was that pesky child!) I laughed even harder knowing what was coming. Maya Rudolph is as beautiful as ever I absolutely adore her, and the high point in my opinion, was the incredible performance by Melissa McCarthy and a nice (villainous) performance by the stunning Rose Byrne This is a great movie to see with a bunch of girlfriends. There is so much "real" in this movie, that I felt the urge to hide under my seat at times from embarrassment for the main character played by the amazing Kristen Wigg.  I also think this is not just a girl movie. I know for sure my husband would find it highly amusing and would love to see it with him at some point. I think its honest, I think its hysterical and a sweet romantic comedy (cute boy played by the adorable Chris O'Dowd as well.  Loved it.  Highly recommend it!
Bridesmaids (2011)

Can't Quit

I am sure it appears that I have given up this project.  I have decided to alter the rules I originally had given myself.  Since deciding to go back to school this semester, after not having gone to school since (yikes) 1998. The movie thing has been hard for me to keep up with.  My class just started, and I haven't really fallen into any kind of routine yet, but I do know that I am finding it hard to keep up a movie a day, and then blog about that really does sound like giving up, right?  Not so!  I will still watch and review 365 movies this year.  I promise. I just may not blog them every day...I might do two in a day...I might do three...I might not do any for a few days or even a whole week. But by the end of this year, I will have done 365 reviews, no matter the cost. (I am allowing myself second viewings though...because I have to...I don't have enough time to not count them, I am on my second viewing of Bridesmaids already and planning at least one more. It just doesn't seem fair if I can't count all of them!) I just don't want this to end, and I don't see another way out at this point. I watched a few movies last week and never blogged them because I didn't have the time or commitment to sit down and write them out.  Too busy trying to figure out the new format for writing papers and submitting them for my online class!  I have not quit yet!  Just altered my project a bit.  Still counts, right??

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Do You Know (2010)

Now this, on the other hand. I did not like. I have always enjoyed James L Brooks films. Terms of Endearment ripped my heart out. I loved Broadcast News and especially As Good As It Gets. I even enjoyed Spanglish after a second viewing. I absolutely did not like this.  I realize that seems harsh, especially when I pretty much like everything. I thought this was just a weak movie, far longer than it needed to be...with unappealing characters (except for always adorable Paul Rudd) I really disliked Owen Wilson (and I usually don't mind him so much) and again, not so in love with Reese Witherspoon anymore either.  I thought if the movie only focused on Paul Rudd and his character, it might have been a decent movie.  I am really happy I didn't bother seeing this at the movies, I would have been disappointed, and I don't even recommend this really, unless you really, really like one of the actors. There are so many better movies to choose from each of them that would be time better spent.

Friday, May 13, 2011

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010)

Ah...Woody Allen, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways....even though you seemed to have moved your films across the pond...I still love, love, love your movies.  This was decent. It wasn't my favorite, or my least favorite of Woody Allen's movies.  I think my main complaint about this one is Naomi Watts. I just don't love her.  I don't get her. I thought her character was very basic, and I had no interest in what happened to her in this story.  The movie is a mess of characters that seem to be searching for something "more" in their lives and are not above lying and cheating to help them find it.  I found it amusing, and I absolutely freaking LOVED the end of Josh Brolin's part of the story.  As usual, Allen filled the movie with interesting actor combinations: Anthony Hopkins with Lucy Punch, a British actress that I have come to really enjoy, Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin, the beautiful Freida Pinto and Antonio Banderas, as well as the amazing Gemma Jones. I love Woody Allen, in case I never mentioned that before. I don't care what other people think of his personal life. His movies just really entertain me.  I love the neurotic chattiness of them, I love the flawed characters, I love him.  I do miss seeing him in his movies.  My favorite of his films are the ones that he stars in, like Annie Hall, or Manhattan.  These more recent movies though, I think can appeal to a broader audience and this was one that I thought translated well to people that maybe don't really care for Woody Allen films.
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger

Thursday, May 12, 2011

All Good Things (2010)

I am in a rut. No doubt about it. I have been behind on writing up my reviews and even behind on watching the movies.  This is about the time I gave up last time I tried this, and I am not going to quit this time.  I will slowly but surely, catch this thing up.  All Good Things was better than I expected.  My expectations were kind of low, even though I love Ryan Gosling, and have started to not mind Kirsten Dunst so much. The plot just didn't interest me at all. Its based on a true story about an unsolved murder case in New York.  Even though it was based on a true story, its not a new story. It was maybe not completely predictable, but it felt like I have seen this movie several times before in one way or another.  What stood out for me was the performances.  Also, seeing Michael Esper and his pretty face didn't hurt much either.  I thought this was worth watching, even if it was kind of predictable.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Name is Khan (2010)

Okay, this movie took me two nights to watch.  I have no idea why I even put it in my queue other than maybe the plot seemed interesting to me.  I also have no idea why I loved it as much as I did. It was most definitely a flawed movie...but I freaking loved it.  This movie is about a Muslim man with Aspergers Syndrome, living in America during the 9/11 attacks. This movie was heartbreaking and beautiful...and then over the top and cheesy too....oh yeah....and super freaking LONG.  The running time on this sucker was 2 hours and 41 minutes. I couldn't handle it the first night, even though I was really into it, I knew I couldn't do the whole thing, so I quit the first night and finished the next.  Rizwan Khan, played by Shah Rukh Khan was by far one of my favorite movie characters since Forrest Gump (which I think he reminded me of anyway) so sweet, innocent, and determined. The story was great, the main stars were fantastic and the first half of this movie was absolutely stunning.....then it sort of flipped into a overly dramatic/Lifetime movie version of Forrest Gump. It became a little too far fetched for me and was just really out there.  However, the good way outweighed the bad and cheesy for me, and I ended up falling in love with the movie anyway.  I looked past the bad acting of a lot of the extra's and some of the supporting roles (which a lot of it was REALLY bad) the main characters were incredible.  This was subtitled though some of it was in english, that got distracting a little too, the whole back and forth of it.  Particularly during the news sequences.  This movie really worked for me though because of the message. Especially during the past few weeks I thought it was really worth watching, especially now.  If you can look past the last hour and its far fetched should come out liking this movie. I would love to see what other people think of it.
My Name is Khan (2010)

Bambi (1942)

I always remember loving Bambi when I was young.  I had a Bambi book, one of those...Disney book club in the mail kind of things, and it was one of my favorite books as a child. I think my memories of the story book and my memories of the movie itself must have been jumbled in my head. I guess am not a huge Bambi fan after all!  I know its a classic and all that, but I think I am just getting old...I really found this boring this time around. I am sure I watched it in bits and pieces when Ian was younger, but I don't remember it seeming so quiet and long. I think it would have made a great short, but as a full length feature...I lost interest.  Chloe got it for Easter, so she was very anxious to watch it, and she seemed to really enjoy it.  Ian actually did too, which surprised me.  It was cute, but I wasn't in love with it like I thought I was when I was a kid.  The music was nice, the story was cute, and of course....dreadfully sad, but it wasn't as fantastic as I remember it.  Maybe I shouldn't have watched it so close to Toy Story, because the two were worlds apart as far as animation, storyline, etc...I think that may have tainted my experience just a little bit.  Overall, its still a classic, not the worst movie I have ever seen, but not as exciting as I remember!

Bambi (1942)

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Better late than never, right?  Finally found the DVD for this one, and Chloe has been begging me for Buzz, Woody, and Jessie, so I caved and we watched it.  I always say this one is my least favorite of the Toy Story series, but actually, its not as bad as I remembered it.  I still feel its the weakest installment, but it definitely has its redeeming moments.  Not to mention watching it on a really nice TV, in Blu-Ray really looks incredible. Just the texture on Potato Head alone made it worth watching.  I love the Toy Story series.  I think out of all the Disney characters, these are the ones I feel the most attachment to.  Which is probably why I found Toy Story 3 so heartwrenching.  I also think that Ian is exactly like Andy in the way he plays with his toys.  Ever since Ian turned 12 this year, I have been worried about him leaving that kind of play behind for more grown up far I have been really lucky and he still wants to build crazy contraptions out of Tinker Toys/Lego/Lincoln Logs and have monsters destroy it.  Its a great world in his imagination and I am not in any hurry for him to outgrow it.  Chloe in particular loves Toy Story 2, I think it may be her favorite, so watching it with her as she acts it out almost the entire time, made it more endearing than it used to be for me.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Shrink (2009)

I had sort of a love/hate relationship with this movie.  I used to be a huge Kevin Spacey fan, but will admit that my love has sort of waned over the years.  However, recently I have fallen in love with Mark Webber, and he was a co-star in this one, so I thought...why not?  There were moments that this movie was a bit too dreary for me. I have been known to like a dreary movie here or there, but this one seemed so hopeless. However, over time, it grew on me. The movie is about Henry Carter (Spacey) a therapist to the stars, who after facing a personal tragedy, turns into a hopeless pothead.  The movie is also an ensemble piece with many interconnected stories. This theme usually appeals to me and in this case, it might have taken a bit too long to start connecting the pieces.  Overall, I enjoyed this movie (as much as you can enjoy depressing material like this) and would halfway recommend it, especially if you are a Kevin Spacey fan.  I thought that there were some fantastic supporting performances by Dallas Roberts, and Keke Palmer as well.  The interaction between Keke Palmer and Kevin Spacey, those scenes were particularly touching and I thought that she did a great job here.  I think its worth watching, if you can get past the rather depressing theme. It has its moments.
Shrink (2009)

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Enlighten Up (2008)

Eh. This was just okay for me. It took me awhile to get through it because I got bored from time to time. I think I might need to take a documentary break for a bit because I really just wasn't in the mood for this one. Especially these "project" type movies.  Filmmaker Kate Churchill decides to take a somewhat skeptical guy on a 6 month yoga journey to prove it can transform his life.  I think the project was flawed in many ways, as  Nick (in my not so professional opinion) never really opened his mind, and didn't really commit to any one yoga path for very long. I get the whole, "trying" out many of the different yoga paths.  But I firmly believe that you would need to give each one more than a week of half attempts at really getting into the system, before it will really start making a difference in parts of your life.  I found it interesting, but not great.
Enlighten Up (2008)

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I Promise...

I promise to catch up from Doctor Who week. I have been watching a ton of movies, just haven't been able to form any opinions or write anything out yet.  I have been super busy (gasp) enrolling in school!  I can't believe I am going to take classes again. I haven't been to college ( and I realize this is seriously dating me) since 1998. I am freaking out a little bit, because I know things have changed a bit since then.  It is my goal to sit around in my PJ's tomorrow, finish watching the few movies that I have yet to finish and try to catch up my blog.  Thanks for not giving up on me....all four of you :)  I will be back with some brief opinions tomorrow!
Update: I back dated my entries for my own sanity and have caught up....WHEW!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)

Okay...I know. This is not the kind of movie you all want to hear about.  But I got sucked into it when Ian was watching it over and over this week. I haven't actually sat down and watched it from beginning to end, so I actually hesitate to post about it at all, it might really suck.  But from what I have seen so far, in bits and pieces, its actually kind of amusing.  I haven't read the books, I have nothing to compare this to at all.  But I laughed a few times, and I heard my husband, a grown 38 year old man, laughing even harder at it.  I am reviewing it because lets face it....I am freaking behind here and I am grasping at straws to keep this thing going. This is just past the part I gave up back in 2006, and I am so much more determined to keep it up.  So I am halfway recommending this movie for anyone with kids, because mine seems to really love it, and from what I have seen so far, its not the most annoying movie on the planet for an adult to sit and watch.  Oh, and Steve Zahn is in it, so thats usually enough for me. I still crush on him in a big way.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Marwencol (2010)

Wow. This movie was so good. I know this is going to be a very basic review, because I am out of words, plus this movie and story was just so interesting, and different that I am not even sure if writing about it can do it justice. You should just watch the movie for yourself and see.  I remember reading about it from one of my favorite blogs on the planet ( ) and of course, added it to my list to watch it "someday".  It popped up in my Instant queue the other day so I finally got to watch it.  I thought it was really just fantastic. Its about Mark Hogancamp, who after being beaten in an attack, starts to create a little world of his own, using dolls and very elaborate sets, taking photographs of the scenes.  The art, which is what I am calling it, is truly amazing and intricate and beautiful. The story is equally as riveting as it slowly unravels and you find out more details about Mark and his story.  I think this is a must see.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Like Killing Flies (2004)

I loved this movie.  Not just because it takes place in New York, though thats clearly a large part of it.  Its an interesting documentary about a restaurant called Shopsin's.  Its quirky, but interesting.  Kenny Shopsin, the owner of the restaurant is an interesting character. I think interesting is just the best word I can use, I know its weak...but I can't come up with anything better right now.  Just watch the damn movie and you will see why! I don't know if I would actually have the courage to actually eat at the restaurant...but I wouldn't mind checking it out one of my trips to NY.  Not sure if I have it in me to try one of the unique dishes (though Mac and Cheese pancakes does interest me) but maybe...
I Like Killing Flies

Friday, April 29, 2011

Just Like the Son (2006)

I am not even sure how this movie ended up in my queue, but I am glad I somehow ended up with it.  This was a very touching (though sometimes far fetched) movie about a down on his luck petty thief, who is forced to do community service at an elementary school as part of his sentence. You can tell he wants to get his life back in order, he is clearly at a low period.  He befriends this adorable kid Boone, who either is, or isn't an orphan (you never really get the whole story there...a sore spot with me) and ends up "kidnapping" him from a state home, and going on a cross country road trip to try to find the kids older sister. The relationship between the two is both sweet and sad.  It was hard not to get attached to either one of the characters.  This is the second or third time I have seen Mark Webber and have decided that he really is pretty great, and maybe he should be in every single movie of all time.  I totally think this is worth watching, its not super long, so good if you don't have hours to sink into a movie.  Its exactly the kind of movie I like, even if it was slightly predictable.
Just Like The Son (2006)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Memphis the Musical (2011)

Oh Holy Crap, I loved this movie/show/whatever you want to call it.  When I went to NYC, last June, "Memphis" had just won the 2010 Tony Award....I had absolutely no interest in seeing it. I remember the song was okay that I heard that night, but it didn't shake me up enough for it to even make it to my "maybe" list when we were thinking about things to see.  Now we all know what happened next...I saw American Idiot, and my life spiralled out of control for almost a year.  American Idiot, sadly, closed on Broadway on April 24, and I have to let it go for awhile until the tour comes around.  So I read about this special 4 day showing of Memphis (which had been filmed on Broadway during January of this year) and I thought, why the heck not?  It was certainly cheaper than another trip to NYC to see something and I could take my Mom as a Mother's Day gift.  I knew some of my Twitter friends really liked it, so it couldn't possibly suck...but I knew nothing about it. I was in for quite a surprise. First of all....I freaking LOVED it, so much that I haven't been able to get it out of my head.  Secondly, the filming was magnificent. I wish they would film all shows like that, even if just for the post-closing days when they know for sure people aren't going to be coming to see the show (until it tours of course) but doing this certainly broadens the audience a bit.  I know people from my tiny little town or area, are not flocking to the city to see shows anyway on a regular basis.  These are people who would otherwise miss a fantastic experience like this.  I will admit to only one drawback....the live audience experience. I do enjoy clapping when a song is done, and just feeling the excitement being in the audience having a shared experience with everyone else brings.  However, that being couldn't have a better seat if you saw this live.  The different camera shots brought this thing bigger than life. It was fantastic, in crystal clear HD, the music was fabulous.  The performances were incredible. I am sorry I didn't see this live. I am not even sure that I won't sneak out on Saturday to see it one last time. (If anyone hasn't seen it, its still playing one or two more dates this week I think Friday and Saturday really should do it...for real) I am hoping that they release this version on DVD eventually because I will be buying it for sure.  The story is about a quirky little white DJ in Memphis, who falls in love with a beautiful black singer.  He goes over and beyond trying to get her music out there and change her life.  Its during the tumultuous period at the height of the civil rights movement that this show takes place, and its very powerful and moving.  I can't say enough good things about this, go see the live show if you can, and if not, check it out, you have a few days left to catch this incredible version in theaters!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm Reed Fish (2006)

I watched this awhile back and never blogged about it.  I only watched this movie because I really like Jay Baruchel.  I find him super endearing in that nerdy guy kind of way.  This movie was cute and quirky. Totally worth watching if not just for the peformances, but the quirky small town story was actually pretty great. Its about Reed Fish, this quirky small town guy who has a call-in radio show in a cute little (very Northern Exposure-esque)town. Everybody knows everybody kind of place. Reed is about to marry his childhood friend, played by the adorable Alexis Bledel, when his world is shaken up a bit when his high school crush (Schuyler Fisk, she of the incredible voice...)comes back to town.  I thought this movie was great, and will probably watch it again, due to the interesting ending, I wonder if it changes the way I view the entire movie.  Fun, quirky and cute, not to mention that the great Schuyler Fisk actually sings in the movie...I say its worth watching. Also its on Netflix Instant play so why the heck not?
I'm Reed Fish

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Creation (2009)

I must be in one of those "period pieces aren't working for me lately" kind of mood.  Because this was just okay for me.  I found a lot of it interesting, because, as the product of a Lutheran school education from K-12, I really didn't learn much about Charles Darwin. I think I was hoping for a bit more about him in this film. I got glimpses, but not a whole lot of background. This was most definitely a movie about a very specific time and crisis in his life.  Darwin is played by Paul Bettany, who I think I love....then I watch something and I think I might not like him so much.  He was fantastic in this, but I wasn't in love with him if that makes any sense at all.  Jennifer Connolly, (Bettany's real life wife) plays his wife in the movie, and she has grown on me over the years. I thought she did a really good job here.  The story takes place during the period just before he publishes "On the Origin of Species" and really focuses more on his inner turmoil over the untimely death of his young daughter.  Its touching, emotional and very interesting. The scenes with the Orangutan were especially beautiful and heartbreaking to me. But, I was hoping for more of the science than the struggle of the man himself...yet this was still interesting. And I still recommend it, because it really is worth watching,  if not just for the incredible performances alone. (I was especially impressed by the young actress that played his precocious daughter Annie). That being said, I wasn't jumping up and down over this one. I might have to try it again earlier in the day when I am feeling more ambitious

Monday, April 25, 2011

Japanese Story (2003)

I think that this is one of the more difficult blog posts to write about anything I have watched to date.  Its not that I can't tell you what I thought about it...though my feelings about this movie changed from moment to moment.  Sometimes I was in love with it, the beauty of the cinematography was stunning, and much of the movie is quiet with very, VERY little dialogue during the two main characters interaction.  Sometimes I hated it, it felt slow, and well...slow.  But the performances were spectacular, especially Toni Collette, who I have yet to see in anything that I didn't like.  She is so fantastic, not needing to speak to convey a mountain of feelings.  The reason I hesitate to post too much is because too much will really spoil this film.  I feel like its absolutely worth watching, you are either going to love it or hate it, or love parts and hate others.  I will say that I cried like a baby, and I don't do that so often anymore.  This was a beautiful movie.  Plain and simple. I won't be horribly offended though, if you say you watched it and wondered, "what the hell were you thinking?"  And thats okay too.
Japanese Story (2003)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Doctor Who Seasons 4-5

Okay, I realize these are not movies, but since they have been the addiction that I couldn't kick for the past few months, and the last week of my life was dedicated to catching up nearly two full seasons in time for season 6 to start on Saturday night, I feel it deserves a post.  I have to say. I love Doctor Who.  I am so sorry that I am new to this game, because I wish I had more time to just sit around, go back to the beginning and catch up, but there are far too many episodes to really watch them all in order. Though I praise anyone who has or is trying to do it, because you are my freaking hero.  David Tennant was my Doctor.  I thought that was not the case after season one.  I really thought that Christoperh Eccleston was my Doctor.  When season 1 ended, I didn't think I could really watch it after that. It took me about halfway through the first episode of season 2, before I not only softened at the idea, but I fell instantly in love with him and I never wanted his episodes to end.  Don't get me wrong...I adore Matt Smith, his Doctor is both innocent and sort of sexy at the same time. But I miss David Tennant, he had that something special to me.  Season 4, by far was my favorite season of all. I loved Donna Noble, his companion throughout Season 4. I loved the storylines, I loved everything.  Season 5 was just okay for me.  I liked it, I thought that it really seemed more accessible to new fans, but I miss David.  That is all.  I am really enjoying Season 6 so far, its difficult for me to watch in real time, because I am so used to being able to start the  next episode right away, but I will get used to it.  Now back to watching some movies again!
Doctor Who

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Conspirator (2011)

Okay so I lied. I actually got a few minutes out this week with my girls and we saw a grown-up movie.  I hadn't heard anything about this movie, but was looking for something (anything) worth driving the hour and 15 minutes down to the city to see a movie...any good excuse (like: well....that movie isn't playing at the more local half an hour drive theater) I found one.  Conspirator was directed by one of my favorite boyfriends, Robert Redford.  Its about Mary Surratt, the lone woman accused of conspiring to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. I was pleased to find out that it was definitely more of a court-room drama (my favorite kind) and had a long list of great actors wandering through.  James McAvoy stood out the most for me, as the young man in charge of defending her. Of course, there is also the beautiful and talented Robin Wright who plays Mary Surratt.  The movie was interesting, and sometimes coming uncomfortably close to modern political issues, and actually entertaining.  I haven't seen a historical movie in awhile that actually kept my interest and made me want to go home and read more. I really recommend this one.  So glad I made the trip down to see it, I encourage you to see it if you get a chance.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Taking a week off for "Doctor Who Week"

So, my son is obsessed with Doctor Who. Its my fault really, I made him watch an episode a few months ago thinking he would enjoy it and it became an obsession for him.  Suddenly we have something we can share and watch together.  However, the new season is about to start on BBCAmerica and I am still an entire season behind.  I will spend my next week catching up with The Doctor and not watching other movies.  I might review a little when I am done.  I highly recommend this show (I am sure I already did that in my review of "Blink") for everyone. I can't tell you how much I love it.  It is well written, the actors are awesome, they get some great guest stars and its just a really great show.  You can watch the first 4 seasons of the new series on Netflix (and some of the older episodes from the 60's and 70's too) and its on BBCAmerica (not sure which episodes they are showing right now) a few times a day, with Season 6 starting on the 23rd of April.
Happy Doctor Who Week Everyone!
Doctor Who Official Site

Friday, April 15, 2011

Little Women (1994)

I feel like a complete cheat and loser for using this movie today.  I did watch it today, so at least that isn't cheating. Of course I have seen in many, many times...and the one I watched today?  On the OWN network, not even DVR'd, I actually had to sit through commercials.  I happened to have the channel on, the movie started, and I couldn't stop watching it.  I really love this particular version of this movie.  Little Women is like the opposite of Jane Eyre for me.  Its my other all time favorite book, but there isn't a film version that I don't like at least a little bit.  This one by far is my favorite because it stays pretty true to the book, while blending things from Lousia May Alcott's life into the plot.  I loved, loved, LOVED Susan Sarandon as "Marmee" and though I am not the biggest Winona Ryder fan in the world these days (and probably wouldn't have cast her here either...) I thought she was tolerable. Do I think she deserved an Oscar Nomination for her role that year? No way.  Then again, I don't remember who else was fantastic that year. I remember being surprised at her nomination for this movie. The score by Thomas Newman really worked for me as well.  Christian Bale is the perfect Laurie and Claire Danes was incredible as usual, as the heartbreaking Beth.  Sometimes that girl takes my breath away she is so incredibly beautiful and knows exactly how to rip your heart out with just a look.  I will never get tired of watching this movie, if you haven't seen totally should. If you have never read the book?  Get off the computer and dig it out, download it, do whatever it is you do with books in your world. I think everyone should read this book at least once. That's my PSA for the day.
Little Women (1994)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wonderful World (2009)

I almost gave up on this movie because it felt like such a downer. I am really glad that I stuck it out.  I really do love Matthew Broderick, I think he is super talented, and I wish I could see him do more things like this.  He plays Ben Singer, a former childrens musician who has a really sad outlook on pretty much everything.  He is divorced and has a daughter who is struggling with some things, and he lives with a roommate who has a health emergency.  When his roommate's sister Khadi comes to stay while her brother is in a coma...his life  is turned upside down.  I ended up really liking this movie. I thought Matthew Broderick was subtle but awesome and the little girl who played his daughter, gave a realistic and touching performance. I didn't think this was predictable, though I thought it might had some little surprises.  Great performances, a nice script. Worth watching.
Wonderful World (2009)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

P.S. (2004)

So since I was in the mood for more Laura Linney....I dug this one back out.  I am pretty sure I already watched this before but I really didn't remember that much about it.  Laura Linney plays Louise, a divorced woman who never really got over her first high school love (who of course....died in a car accident) she meets a boy (the absolutely adorable Topher Grace) who she starts to think is like a reincarnated version of her dead boyfriend Scott. They even share a name.  I kind of liked this, and not just because Laura Linney got to be all forward-older-woman-seducing-adorable-Topher-Grace (though that didn't hurt) but because I really like Laura Linney and I don't know if I have ever seen her in a bad role.  This one was just okay in parts, but as usual her performance stands out.  Plus its nice to see Topher Grace in something other than the cheesy romantic post teen comedies that I have seen him in so far.  I realize this was a few years ago, but hopefully it means that he has these kinds of movies in him....just need to drag them out!
P.S. (2004)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maze (2000)

I watched part of this movie a few months ago, I really liked what I saw and somehow I forgot about it and it got deleted from my queue.  I remembered about it and it was still available for instant viewing so I started it over again and I am so happy I did.  I really, really liked this movie.  Sometimes it did feel a little lifetime movie of the week but with really amazing performances.  Maze is about an artist (Rob Morrow) who struggles with Tourette Syndrome, he doesn't want to take any medication to try to help his symptoms because he is afraid it will affect his work.  He falls in love with the pregnant girlfriend (the great Laura Linney) of his very noble best friend Mike (Craig Sheffer).  Mike leaves the country to work with Doctors without Borders not knowing that Callie is pregnant with his child and Lyle (Morrow) is left to try to help her work through the pregnancy by herself.  It sounds far more melodramatic than it really is.  I thought this was a really good movie.  Rob Morrow cowrote the story as well as directed this film and I think it was a fantastic effort. Then again, I have been a fan of his since Northern Exposure and that crush never really went away.  Excellent performances and a really decent movie.  Check it out if you feel motivated.
Maze (2000)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hop (2011)

Yes, it was a kids movie weekend for me.  Sorry to all the adults that can stomach these kinds of flicks.  I actually am a little ashamed to say I enjoyed this one.  I realize part of it is that I got to look at a very pretty James Marsden for an hour and a half, and that doesn't hurt really.  I thought that the story was cute (though kind of predictable) just like a Christmas movie for Easter kind of thing.  Russell Brand did a great job with the Bunny voice, and overall I just found it pretty amusing for a kid movie.  Sometimes I feel like pounding my head against a wall during these movies, especially ones that are live action/animation mash-ups.  This wasn't too painful and I am glad I bothered seeing it.  Ian loved it (mind you, he is 11) and it was nice to get out to see something together that we actually both enjoyed.
Hop (2011)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Ah....of course, to follow up Toy Story....logic would tell you that tonight I watched Toy Story 2, but nope. Couldn't find the disc, and besides that. Toy Story 2 is not my favorite adventure in the series.  I liked it of course, but didn't love it like I love the first and last.  Now about this heartwrenching movie....maybe its not so bad if you don't have kids.  Maybe its not even so bad if you have younger kids....but if you have kids that are just about ready to "age out" of playing imaginary games with their toys, this one hurts.  I don't mean like, it might bring a tear.....I mean I cried so hard the first time that I gave myself a headache, and the second time??? Not much better.  This was probably my 5th full viewing and I finally only cried a little at the end. This was by far, my favorite movie of the year last year.  I can't think of another that I could sit through as many times as I am sure I will sit through this one.  Its a great story, which you don't always find in the 3rd in a series.  But for real....this one really works.  If you have seen any of the others, and have gotten attached to these characters, this is just so good.  I wish I could be more eloquent, but I just love it.  That's it. Plain and simple. See it. You must.
Toy Story 3 (2010)

Friday, April 08, 2011

Toy Story (1995)

Its been awhile since I have watched this movie in its entirety. Its usually just on in the background while I do "Mom" stuff, or I can hear it from the back seat of my car while driving.  It was nice to just sit and watch it this time.  I don't think Toy Story ever really gets old.  I still remember the first time I saw it, before I even had kids, and I knew it was something special.  The characters were so lovable, a nice little adventure, but most of all, it was different.  Not the usual princess meets the boy story.  For once it wasn't a romance, but a real adventure, for all kinds of kids (and adults) I feel just as strongly about it today as I did the first time I saw it.  I loved it then, and loved it again tonight! Oh, and I am assuming everyone that is reading this has seen it...but if for some reason you haven' totally should!
Toy Story (1995)

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Jane Eyre (2011)

I actually went out like a regular person this week and saw a real live at a theater!  I had to drive an hour and 40 minutes to get there, since it was only playing in two theaters in Michigan and both of them well over 90 miles away...but I did it.  I am so happy I bothered.  Jane Eyre is definitely my favorite book. I think I read it the first time in 9th grade, and I have read it almost every single year at least once.  I have never grown tired of it. However, in movie form...I have seldom been satisfied.   I saw the Orson Welles Version several years ago, so I can't really remember what my issues were with that one.  I do know that I absolutely hated the 1996 version with William Hurt, who in my opinion was the worst Mr. Rochester of all time.  This version wasn't perfect.  There is always either too much of something and not enough of others for me.  This time it was lacking in the early years, both before and after Lowood School those were some of my favorite parts in the book and I always yearn for more in the film versions.  This was by far, my favorite Jane (played by the incredibly talented Mia Wasikowska) and Mr. Rochester (played by the finally interesting enough...Michael Fassbender) so there was no issues there.  I was very pleasantly suprised, and am sure that I will be seeing this again if it comes to a theater a little closer to me.  Its about time someone got a great classic novel right on screen!  See if if you get a chance, I don't think you will be sorry.
Jane Eyre (2011)

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Gone With The Wind (1939)

Big cheat here. It just happened to be "new" on Netflix streaming and I just can never resist it.  Sure its flawed, sure when I was a kid I thought the bad guys were the Yankees....but it never gets old for me.  The costumes, the beautiful Vivian Leigh, the music. I love Gone with the Wind.  I keep thinking someday I will watch and wonder what the heck was I thinking....but that day is not today.  I have been watching this movie since I was probably knee high.  I loved Scarlett O'Hara, I "got" her obsession with Ashley Wilkes (unlike almost everyone else in the world...I was totally with her on that!) I loved, loved, LOVED the cockiness of Rhett Butler, played by the dashing Clark Gable. To me this was Hollywood at its finest.  I highly recommend it, and I try to force everyone to watch it at least once, just to say you tried.  Come on...take a few hours this week and give it a shot if you have never seen it before!
Gone With The Wind

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Too Far Behind...(week of March 28- April 4)

Okay, so as usual...I have started to fall too far behind to catch up by doing new posts and fixing the dates to work it out.  So I am going to admit that I skipped a few movies, do what I like to call "the week of failure" for my project in one lump post.  As a disclaimer, apart from this movie project, I also have been planning my kids curriculum for next year, starting to work on going back to school myself and...more importantly.....trying to catch up on Doctor Who before the new season starts on April 23! So last week was an I'm-trying-to-catch-up-as-fast-as-I-can week, but it didn't work out. I will try to see exactly how many movies I am short and squeeze them in this summer during quieter times!  So what I DID watch was:

Beeswax (2009) : Not a fan.  There were things I found endearing about this movie.  But for the most part, I felt it was kind of a waste of my afternoon!  Its really a super, super tiny movie, that wasn't really "about" anything.  Its a few weeks in the life of twin sisters (played by non professional actors) and the changes and struggles they are going through.  What it felt like though...was that there wasn't really a story.  I felt like I came in partway through the movie, missed what was really going on (though you can kind of gain insight of parts of it during the film) and it took awhile to figure out what the point was. There doesn't seem to be one.  The film was kind of nice to look at. I thought both girls were interesting and did a good job for not being professional actors.  But I didn't "get it" and I can handle small movies.  This just didn't work for me.

13 Most Beautiful..Songs for Andy Warhol's Screen Tests (2009)  Again...I guess I just didn't get it. Don't get me wrong, I find Andy Warhol pretty intriguing. I almost always will watch movies that have anything to do with him.  This was just okay.  I loved the music, but watching the actual film (just several actors and actresses, including Dennis Hopper doing silent screen tests) was boring from time to time.  I can't say I hated it.  But I definitely got bored.  Perhaps the time I watched it (2am) had something to do with it.  But unless you are a huge Warhol fan, or have an hour that you won't mind sitting and watching silent actors and nice music....I don't really recommend it.

Worlds Greatest Dad (2009) Absolutely loved it.  I will probably even watch it again with my husband because I know he will like it as well. This was a pretty dark comedy but really, super smart, and so worth watching.  Beware, its definitely on the dark side, and has some pretty rough language and plotlines. The basic story (so as not to give anything big away) has Robin Williams playing a Dad who loses his son to an unfortunate freak accident.  His son....not such a nice kid....and his "legacy" sort of takes on a life of its own.  As usual, Robin Williams does a fantastic job in a more serious role, reminding me that he really is a great actor and not just a funny guy.  I definitely think this one is worth watching.  It reminded me a bit of one of my favorites...the classic "Heathers" in ways...and also I think has a lot of scary truths hidden in there. Great stuff directed by one of my favorites: (and I am not ashamed to admit it) Bobcat Goldthwaite....check it out if you dare!

Happy Tears (2009) I think its interesting that all the movies I actually watched this week were released in 2009! for awhile I thought I might not even finish watching this because I couldn't get into it.  Parkey Posey plays a clearly unsatisfied woman who comes home to help her sister played by Demi Moore, decide what to do with their father who is slowly slipping into dementia.  The father is played by the always interesting Rip Torn.  I ended up really liking this.  There were parts I hated.  Jayne (the Parker Posey character) often has these surreal visions/dreams.  I think they were supposed to be artistic, but ended up just being annoying to me most of the time.  Demi Moore was beautiful as always, and I thought that this was both painful and amusing throughout.  I think for the most part it aims to be a dark comedy, but sometimes comes off as being the typical independent drama with a few laughs.  Overall, I wasn't sorry I watched it, but I don't think its going to work for everyone.

Here is hoping that I catch up and get back on track this week.  If I didn't lose you all already....thanks for sticking around. I will try to do better, I promise!
13 Most Beautiful...Songs for Andy Warhol's Screen Tests (not listed on IMDB...check out for more info!)
World's Greatest Dad
Happy Tears

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fall From Grace (2007)

I can't even find the words to say how seriously this movie made me physically ill.  Its a very short, kind of basic documentary about the Westboro Baptist Church and its leader the amazingly ignorant Fred Phelps.  I felt dirty after I watched it, and felt the need to shower.  How people can spew so much hate, and still have followers, (though according to the film, most of the church members are immediate family...I hope thats true) is totally beyond me.  This is the "Church" whose website address is God Hates (I didn't link it because they don't deserve the internet traffic.  They protest the funerals of military men and women, as well as any homosexual funeral they can find.  They hate like nothing I have ever seen.  I wish I hadn't watched it, it just made my blood boil more than it already was just thinking about them after watching Kevin Smith's brilliant "Red State".  I just....don't want to waste a minute of my time, giving negative thoughts toward those ignorant people.  But I had to write something because I watched it and needed it to count. If you can stomach that kind of thing....or want to get all riled up over something.  Give this a shot

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Land Before Time (1988)

Ian was gone to camp this weekend, Bubba was camping, then working. This left me and Chloe alone for a whole two days to watch whatever we wanted in peace and quiet.  I found this on Netflix and was SO excited to share it with her.  When I worked at the video store in 1988-1989, this had just come out on video and was one of the "approved" videos we could have running in the store throughout the day.  I freaking LOVED this movie. I loved the voices, loved the story.  Loved it all. I couldn't wait to have kids to show them this adorable movie.  Chloe lasted about two minutes and she was back upstairs watching Charlie Brown on her iPod. I guess she didn't get it.  If you haven't seen it...its the story of a group of dinosaurs that go looking for their family after "the great earth shake"  Its sad, and scary (for a kid anway!) and adorable.  I feel like it sort of stood the test of time for me, but I guess wasn't "cool" enough for my kid #2, and its very possible its too late for my kid #1, but I will try to force it down his throat this week sometime just because I am curious. I wonder if some of my love for the movie, doesn't really come from my love and memories for my job at Mammoth Video in St. Clair Shores.  One of my all time favorite jobs.  Now the two are forever connected, so I guess I will never know if the movie is really any good or not.  Chloe apparently says "nope"

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kabluey (2007)

Its probably going to come as no surprise to anyone that might be reading this, that I loved this movie. Another small, quiet, indy dramedy (is that even a word?) This one really stole my heart in ways that I didn't really expect.  Its a simple story at its core, Lisa Kudrow plays an overwhelmed Mom whose husband is deployed in Iraq.  She needs help caring for her two out of control young boys and her husbands down on his luck brother Salman (played by writer/director Scott Prendergast) comes to assist her. He ends up taking a thankless job as a mascot for the company she works for and has to stand out on the side of a deserted road in a giant blue man costume, handing out flyers.  I can't tell you how much I loved this character.  First of all, I found every single scene when he was in costume...seriously amusing. I am sure I will show my immaturity by admitting to laughing a whole lot when he would get stuck, or just at the sight of his lonely little guy standing at the side of the road.  The performances in this movie were great, especially the kids. One boy in particular, Cameron (played by Cameron Wofford) did a fantastic job.  The music was great, which matters to me, and the script was smart and entertaining.  I can totally recommend this movie, as I don't think anyone could not at least like it, if not love it as much as I did.  There aren't a lot of bells and whistles, though there is a nice animated bit during the credits.  But its nice to see a small, quiet movie without a major "star" that can suck you in and make you care about what happens to everyone! Catch it quick though, its only on instant streaming for a few more days....but it would be worth a rental I think.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Running with Scissors (2006)

I have a lot of mixed feelings about this movie.  I had been wanting to watch it for awhile now, but every time I would almost rent it...something would stop me.  Last month someone from one of my book clubs chose "Running with Scissors" by Augusten Burroughs as our book club pick, and I found it so intriguing that I couldn't let the story go.  The book claims to be a memoir.  Now, I am not one to call anyone a liar, and I have no judgements as to whether situations in this book were true or not.  It didn't really matter to me one way or another, I couldn't put it down. So I was hopeful, after finishing the book last week, that the movie would be just as interesting, twisted and yet somehow entertaining.  It wasn't.  There were some moments.  I think that Ryan Murphy really knows what he is doing with music.  I feel like the musical montage type scenes were wonderful, they were visually interesting and the musical choices absolutely perfect.  However the rest of the movie was very disjointed, and left me feeling sad and empty.  The book is twisted, bizarre, and yet the characters come to life and become very human, even with all their eccentricities.  In the movie, there just wasn't enough time. I feel like Ryan Murphy tried to hard to make this movie about Augustens mother, Deirdre, played brilliantly by Annette Bening (who I don't always like).  Her character gets way more screen time, and there were several scenes in the movie that weren't even in the book.  Of course that is going to happen in a film translation of the movie, but in this case, I feel like there were too many instances that made the movie all about her.  There were several other scenes that were added, that didn't really work for me, most involving the relationship between Augusten and his older boyfriend Neil (played by the usually adorable Joseph Fiennes...not so much this time around) as well as some scenes with Neil and Dr. Finch (played by the wonderful Brian Cox) that I don't remember being in the book at all.  I can't say I hated the movie, but if you have never read the book, it might just end up seeming more bizarre than the book even was....which was bizarre enough I think. I think that the movie seemed to make Augusten's father out to be a not so bad guy, which i didn't sense from the book. However,  I do think that the relationship between Augusten(played by Joseph Cross) and Natalie (the beautiful Evan Rachel Wood) translated very well to film, and I enjoyed all of their scenes together.  I was not so fond of  Gwyneth Paltrow playing the older sister named Hope, I thought it was kind of a weak performance for a character that I really liked in the book. Who knows what really happened, though I tend to think a lot of this is probably true...I do know that Augusten survived to write some magical pieces of literature and I think a lot can be said for this family that helped him make it through, no matter how bizarre and messed up that world they lived in happened to be.I think the movie comes off a little more sad than I felt that the book did.  I little more depressing and much less colorful than I was hoping for. However, this movie is almost worth watching just for Bening's performance, one of her best, I think.   But be prepared for an odd ride.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Breaking Upwards (2009)

I liked this.  Not just because it was a story set in New York (though that didn't hurt).  I just really enjoyed it. I chose it purposefully because it starred Zoe Lister Jones, who I fell in love with awhile back after watching "Arranged". I searched out some more movies I could watch on Netflix, and came across this one.  I thought the plot was interesting.  A couple going through what seems to be a flat period in their long term relationship decide to take charge of their own break up, by a systematic plan. A few days off, some specific rules.  I really liked both of the characters, the performances were both subtle and realistic.  I think that Zoe Lister Jones is absolutely beautiful and I will watch her in probably anything she does. I was interested to see that she wrote the lyrics to most of the songs used in the film.  I was really rooting for these two to work it out, and I won't give anything away, but I will say that I was not unsatsified, though I thought I might be.  I liked the music, I thought the script was just so-so, yet I thought the character development was really good.  Both Daryl and Zoe were very realistic, flawed 20somethings...I totally bought the story.  I will say its not for everyone. Its a bit slow at times, and definitely small budget. I think this could be one of those: either you love it or you hate it kind of movies.  I enjoyed it and was not sorry I watched it. I would be interested to see what others think of it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Name is Jerry (2009)

I really kind of liked this quiet little movie. I have to admit. Sometimes its hard for me to get into movies where none of the actors are familiar to me.  Maybe that makes me a wimply movie fan, but I can't help it. Usually its the actor that is the draw to me. Every once in awhile its the storyline, but its almost always the other way around. Something about this plot grabbed me enough that I watched it and only recognized one person in the entire film.  This was a nice movie. That sounds boring, I know...but its hard to think of another adjective to describe it.  Its about a door to door book salesman named Jerry, who is kind of stuck/lost in his life. He is trying to reconnect with his daughter after his ex-wife dies, and going through a rut in his job.  He accidentally hooks up with a bunch of young kids and sort of becomes part of their little group, and his life begins to change.  I tend to be attracted to characters that seem to be lost and then sort of find themselves.  Experience something that reminds them that life is still out can still dream big.  It makes me feel a little more hopeful and brings me a little joy.  I definitely enjoyed this.  Even without big name stars, I totally feel comfortable recommending it.  It is available on Netflix for instant streaming also...

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Great New Wonderful (2005)

I can tell I am in a rut.  Its not that I don't feel like watching movies, its more that the movies I have been watching are difficult to review I guess.  This was a decent movie. I thought it was done really well. It was a subtle reminder of how things changed (or didn't change) in NYC in a post 9-11 word.  The movie takes place in September 2002. It is told in five little stories that just barely intersect at a few points in the film. I usually like movies that tell small short stories and somehow merge, though this one did less merging than I prefer.  The performances were all incredible.  My favorite performance (though not my favorite story of the bunch) was by Jim Gaffigan, I recently decided that he is clearly more than just your average stand up comic/actor.  He is kind of special. In "Sandie's Story" he plays the only character that the film actually implies was directly affected by the tragedy. He is being treated by a Dr.(Tony Shaloub) who comes to his workplace to talk about his feelings regarding the tragedy and whatever happened to him and the rest of his co-workers on the "7th Floor" the Dr. uses unconventional means to bring out his feelings and the whole storyline was very interesting to me.
My favorite storyline was "Judy's Story". Judy, played by the always entertaining Olympia Dukakis, is an elderly woman who is clearly just going through the motions of her life. Every day is the same routine, and she serves her husband his dinner on a TV tray in front of the TV and goes back to making her little fantasy travel collages.  I really felt this story, and I got really sucked into it.  She runs into a man from her youth that sort of breathes some life into her and though the changes were subtle... it was a very honest story.
The other three stories were "Emme's Story", "Avi and Satish's Story" and "David and Allison's" story.  Maggie Gyllenhaal plays Emme, who comes off sort of cold and bitchy, as a Cake creator for the rich and famous.  Also an interesting storyline and a fun few minutes worth of my favorite nerd Jim Parsons!
Avi and Satish was the story I could relate to the least.  Maybe on a second viewing I will get a little more out of that one.
David and Allison's story was just depressing and sad, while being pretty creepy and scary at the same time.  They have a son who has some serious issues, and most of their story is about them dealing with that as well as how that affects their relationship to each other.  A bonus in this story is Stephen Colbert as a school principal.
Overall I recommend this movie. It is slow at times, but its like a really interesting piece of art.  Sometimes I "got it" and sometimes it was just nice to look at and wonder what it really means.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Chorus Line (1985)

This was one of my all time favorite movies when I was a kid. As I have mentioned before, as far back as I can remember, I have loved original broadway cast recordings. When I bought the OBCR  of A Chorus Line I had no clue what it was about, what the story didn't really matter to me. I just knew I loved the music, and when I heard At The Ballet, I was transported somewhere else.  When the movie first came out, I am pretty sure I didn't see it until it came on VHS.  I remember that after I saw it, I didn't like Michael Douglas anymore. Something about him in that movie just turned me off and it took me years to recover from it. I couldn't even look at him, wouldn't even attempt to watch a movie where he was the star until The American President.  But none of this is important right now.  So I watched this movie for the first time in quite a number of years, and for me, it has lost some of its shimmer.  Part of it I think, is the 80's sometimes look dingy to me now on film.  The other part of it is the time I have spent in NYC lately, and I think I expect more out of movies based on shows.  I have nothing to compare this to, as I have never seen the show live, though I will remedy that the next time the tour comes around.  However, my recent viewing of "Every Little Step" tainted me a little bit, and this movie paled in comparison.  I forced Bubba to watch with me, and he only got up twice to walk away from it because the music bored him a little.  The next day though he told me it "wasn't so bad" and I told him that I didn't like it as much as I used to.  I guess we never see eye to eye at the same time.  Its not that I thought the movie was awful, I just think that it could have been better.  I still loved the music and dancing, but if you are going to choose A Chorus Line movie....pick the documentary about it instead, watch Every Little Step.  Of course, if you are a fan of the movie and feeling nostalgic, it still does the trick for that!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Smiley Face (2007)

For real this time :)  I finally finished watching this movie and have decided that it wasn't as bad as I originally thought.  Sure, sometimes the girl just got on my last nerve, but then....stoners sometimes do that!  I just really kind of like Anna Faris, and I thought she really played this well. I don't know that I would recommend this to everyone.  But I think there are a few of you out there that can look past the sometimes annoying stoner behavior and get to the heart of the movie, which was kind of sweet and mildly entertaining.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Paul (2011)

Its pretty rare that I get to go on a date with my husband. Going out on a Friday is even more it should be even more surprising that we went to a movie that I knew absolutely nothing about.  I knew that Simon Pegg was in it, that was enough for me to choose it.  But we literally picked it because it was the time that worked out the best for us to see a movie while we had a babysitter.  I sat down knowing not a single thing about the movie and I don't know if I have ever done that in my life.  I firmly believe this could be one of my better decisions this year.  I freaking LOVED "Paul".  This is one of those movies that I will see again and again and never get tired of all of the references to all the Sci-Fi movies, books, and TV Shows.  I really enjoyed this from the very moment it started until it ended.  Before it was even over, I was already planning my next trip back, in my head.  Of course, I am sure this week will be filled with Science Fiction movies that I haven't seen in years, just because I can't think about anything else.  This was a smart, funny, adorable movie that I absolutely recommend to anyone that has seen or loved a Science Fiction movie. I don't know if I would call it a spoof, especially since I don't like spoof movies.  Lets call it a homage...It was so full of Sci-Fi beauty that it felt like Nerd Heaven.  Awesome.  Basic plot is two friends from England, travel to America to go to Comic Con and take a little road trip across the west to hit all the rumored UFO hot spots.  This movie reminded me a little bit of: if ET met Superbad....I thought it was sweet, funny and creative.  Just a great movie, completely entertaining.