Saturday, April 16, 2011

Taking a week off for "Doctor Who Week"

So, my son is obsessed with Doctor Who. Its my fault really, I made him watch an episode a few months ago thinking he would enjoy it and it became an obsession for him.  Suddenly we have something we can share and watch together.  However, the new season is about to start on BBCAmerica and I am still an entire season behind.  I will spend my next week catching up with The Doctor and not watching other movies.  I might review a little when I am done.  I highly recommend this show (I am sure I already did that in my review of "Blink") for everyone. I can't tell you how much I love it.  It is well written, the actors are awesome, they get some great guest stars and its just a really great show.  You can watch the first 4 seasons of the new series on Netflix (and some of the older episodes from the 60's and 70's too) and its on BBCAmerica (not sure which episodes they are showing right now) a few times a day, with Season 6 starting on the 23rd of April.
Happy Doctor Who Week Everyone!
Doctor Who Official Site


Life Between Frames said...

Doctor Who is great. I just really got into the show last year and am WAY behind because I (and my OCD) decided that if I'm going to watch it I have to watch every episode in order from the beginning. Or listen to them in some cases, since only the audio is left of some of the old episodes. At this point, I'm up to 1971 and the second season of the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee.


Shel said...

I really want to watch the older episodes, how are you watching them? I know there are a few on Netflix but they don't seem to follow any sort of order, so I haven't even tried them yet. I started with the 8th Doctor and now that I am caught up I want to go back and watch the others!