Saturday, April 23, 2011

Conspirator (2011)

Okay so I lied. I actually got a few minutes out this week with my girls and we saw a grown-up movie.  I hadn't heard anything about this movie, but was looking for something (anything) worth driving the hour and 15 minutes down to the city to see a movie...any good excuse (like: well....that movie isn't playing at the more local half an hour drive theater) I found one.  Conspirator was directed by one of my favorite boyfriends, Robert Redford.  Its about Mary Surratt, the lone woman accused of conspiring to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. I was pleased to find out that it was definitely more of a court-room drama (my favorite kind) and had a long list of great actors wandering through.  James McAvoy stood out the most for me, as the young man in charge of defending her. Of course, there is also the beautiful and talented Robin Wright who plays Mary Surratt.  The movie was interesting, and sometimes coming uncomfortably close to modern political issues, and actually entertaining.  I haven't seen a historical movie in awhile that actually kept my interest and made me want to go home and read more. I really recommend this one.  So glad I made the trip down to see it, I encourage you to see it if you get a chance.

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